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God Slew Them

God Slew Them

By Bill Cearbaugh

Digital Art

This was a devotional time drawing.  I came across this verse in my devotions and it rocked me.  It so described my walk with the Lord.  I would pursue Him, I would get distracted from Him, He would slay me, I would pursue Him.  So the cycle went, until I broke the cycle and realized He was trying to get my attention because He loved me and wanted me for Himself...He is a jealous God.  This man was so eagerly pursuing His Lord.  I did several effects including a reverse, lighting, etc.  The lighting where it's located made so much sense, so I inserted it as though it were the Lord and this man longs to get more of Him.

It's been a while since I did this, so I don't remember exactly where I was meditating in the bible at the time, but was likely dwelling on the Psalms..."When He slew [some of] them, [the remainder] inquired after Him diligently, and they repented and sincerely sought God [for a time]."   Notice the ...for a the Amplified version.  The Lord is so very patient with us...when He slays us, it's as though He were screaming at us instead of whispering gently like He often does.  He longs to just gently whisper into our ears how much He loves and cares about us, if we would but listen and heed His sweet words.

Bill (Christian Business Startups) Business Startups - Marketing)
Twitter - @HisCreativeness

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